Meet the Owner
Anton was born in the state of Michigan and was the first of the 9 generations of the Williams since the family progenitor that wasn't born in the Natchez MS area.
The Anton Williams Ventures (Holding Company & subsidiaries) of Grand Rapids MI and Anton Williams Real Estate Investment Company of Kalamazoo MI oversees various companies, properties and other assets in several states throughout the U.S.
The nine generations have included owners of over 10,000 acres (on average, peak of 1 million acres) of real estate, timberland and other product from Mississippi, Louisiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Texas and California but also:
Progenitor who immigrated to the U.S. from Wales England in the 1760s
Civic (societal and government) as well as corporate roles for most of the 9 generations
A free person of color during the era of slavery, Archie P. Williams of Natchez MS, who was an inheritor (over $1 million in 1860s dollars; $200 million in current dollars) one of the few millionaries of any race during that era
Archie J. Williams, grandson of Archie P. Williams, who expanded the heirloom family oil and gas, timber and real estate holdings in Mississippi and Louisiana. In the 1920s-1950s he also repurchased properties once owned by Winthrop Sargent and his Williams forbears in the 1700s and to the late 1800s.
Anton is also the founder of the Anton R. Williams Foundation of Grand Rapids MI and the GMNF Global Mission Society of Grand Rapids MI. Anton Williams Venture of Grand Rapids MI is a consolidated conglomerate of various business functions.