The Anton Williams Holding Company oversees several portfolios of real estate including agricultural, timber, oil and gas fields, renewable energy and derivative trading accounts and other assets held in the Anton R. Williams Trust. The trust and its activities is restricted and monitored by private and other security.
The initial assets were gathered by the forbear David Williams, who migrated from Wales, England in the 1760s to the United States and accumulated over 11,000 acres of real estate, timberland, corn and tobacco fields. These assets were passed through the generations. Archie P. Williams was a mixed race free person of color in the era of slavery, great grandson and heir of David Williams who expanded the trust from the mid 1800s to early 1900s to include energy assets. In the 1920s-1940s, Archie J. Williams, the grandson of Archie P. Williams, repurchased Williams properties from the 1700s and 1800s. Today, the majority owner is Anton R. Williams of Kalamazoo MI, Grand Rapids MI and Tampa FL, the great grandson of Archie J. Williams. The Anton Williams Real Estate Investment Trust is dual HQ in Grand Rapids MI and Kalamazoo MI
David Williams
Anton R. Williams
David Williams
Trust and Estate document of David Williams created in April 1792
Anton R. Williams
Real Estate transaction of Anton R. Williams in 2021 on heirloom property he owns passed from his great great great grandfather Archie P. Williams in the 1800s. Sourced from David Williams Trust of the 1700s
OFFICIAL RECORDS - The lineal descent and ownership of the Williams estate (real estate, timberland, agricultural acreage, oil and gas fields, company stock) is passed through 9 generations from David Williams in the 1700s to Anton R. Williams in the 2000s. (Anton R. Williams being the majority owner; owning over 99% of the Williams estate/holdings)
100% ownership of companies
Oversight of subsidiary companies owned by the Anton R. Williams Holding Co:
Anton R Williams Co of Mississippi
Anrow Energy Corp of Louisiana
Anrow Energy Industries of Ohio
and more
Real Estate
Oversight of a portfolio of real estate assets owned by the Anton R. Williams Holding Co:
Agricultural acreage
Oil and Gas fields
Renewable Energy Farms
Financial Investments
Oversight of a portfolio of investment accounts (derivatives) owned by the Anton R. Williams Holding Co
Options on Futures